Call for applications – The IOFF-Subspecialty Fellowship Program
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to introduce to you the IOFF-Subspecialty Fellowship Program which is an exclusive offer for young Ophthalmologists from low-resource and underserved countries. It was set up in partnership with our esteemed host institutions, sponsors and collaboration partners, building on the best experiences of the past.
The International Ophthalmological Fellowship Foundation (IOFF e.V.) is a German charity organization that has been registered since 2007. During the last 13 years the IOFF e.V. has arranged for 134 Three-Months Fellowships, in collaboration with the International Council of Ophthalmology.
A large-scale study published in the British Journal of Ophthalmology confirms the sustainability of this program: Torres-Netto EA, Gabel-Obermaier C, Gabel P, Gloor B, Wiedemann P, Taylor H, Davey C, Quilter N, Seitz B: 20 years of International Council of Ophthalmology ICO fellowships – Description of program and impact on more than 1100 awardees. Br J Ophthalmol 2020 Aug 29 [Epub ahead of print]
=> http://bjo.bmj.com/cgi/content/full/bjophthalmol-2020-316484
These new IOFF-Subspeciality Fellowships are an additional offer to those of the ICO and will be distinct and different.
Prof. Berthold Seitz and Cordula Gabel-Obermaier, who are no longer associated with the ICO, will run the program.
May we ask you to pass on this new offer to your colleagues, who look back on some experience in their subspecialty and wish to apply with us for an IOFF-Subspecialty Fellowship award so that they can find an answer to urgent and individual challenges in their subspecialty?
Awards will go with a grant of up to EUR 5000 to support return travel and living expenses in the host country.
Please gather details on the program as well as on the application process from our website at www.ioff.org which is as follows:
- Candidate completes the online application from www.ioff.org, uploads the requested documents and submits this to IOFF-Subspecialty Executive Cordula at cgo@ioff.org
- Eligible candidate receives a copy of the application file
- Candidate sends application to (one!) favorite host and – if accepted – agrees on a provisional
start date (IOFF Host network. https://ioff.org/information-download/host-network/) - Candidate submits the duly signed host notice of acceptance form to cgo@ioff.org
- Cordula processes the application for expert’s review and funding decision
- The application deadline will close on August 31, 2021
- Women are strongly encouraged to apply with us
- (ICO Exams are strongly recommended and considered in the assessment)
Should you or your colleagues have any question please address them to IOFF Executive for Fellowships
at cgo@ioff.org.
Thank you and we look forward to receiving the applications from your junior colleagues.
With best regards
Prof. Peter Gabel Prof. Berthold Seitz
IOFF Chair IOFF Co-Chair and Director
for IOFF-Subspecialty Fellowships